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Can a Teen Drive with Minors?

Car Accidents

Getting a driver’s license is an exciting time in a teenager’s life. However, California law is very specific about what teenagers are and aren’t allowed to do behind the wheel. Because driving effects everyone on the road, it’s very critical parent’s know all the rules and regulations pertaining to teenagers and driving. There are reasons why teenagers have a different set of driving laws than other drivers. Car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers and after many studies, it’s been concluded that teenagers are more likely to engage in risky behavior.

In order to get a driver’s license, teenagers must have a parent/guardian signature, must pass all vision, traffic laws and sign tests, complete a driver training course, and follow all restrictions pertaining to who can ride with them and at what times.

Driving Laws for Minors

California uses a graduated driver’s license system. If you’re a minor in California, you must follow these rules:

  • In order to transport passengers under the age of 20, teenagers must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian or licensed driver over the age of 25 for the first 12 months of a provisional license. Teen drivers are not permitted to drive with other minors in the vehicle unless a parent, guardian or licensed driver over the age of 25 is also present.
  • While driving with a provisional license, teenagers must be accompanied by an adult when driving between 11 pm and 5 am.
  • Teenagers cannot be employed as drivers.
  • There are some exceptions to these rules such as medical, employment, school-authorized activities, and parental consent as long as a note is provided by the physician, employer, school or parent respectively.

Violations of Provisional License Restrictions

Teenagers who have provisional licenses may not drive other teenagers. Violating this rule and any other rule set out by the provisional license guidelines is a secondary offense. That means, if you are driving legally, a police officer cannot pull you over. However, if you are breaking any other driving offense, such as speeding, a police officer can pull you over and see if you are violating your license restriction and therefore issue two tickets.

Teenagers who are found violating license restrictions will not incur any points against their license. However, because a ticket for violating a license restriction is only given in conjunction with another driving offense, it is sometimes seen as a red flag.

License Violations and Insurance Companies

If a teenage driver gets involved in an accident while violating their license restriction, they may still be covered by their insurance company. Auto insurance companies look at a teenager’s license restriction violation the same as they do a minor traffic ticket. If a teenage driver is convicted of driving without a license, then an issue could come up with insurance, but for the most part, coverage will stay intact.

Talk to a Sacramento Accident Lawyer About Your Legal Needs

If you were injured due to the negligence of another, regardless of the nature of the underlying accident, it is important to contact an experienced Sacramento accident lawyer to discuss your legal options. The Weinberger Law Firm has the resources and expertise to aggressively litigate your case in court, fighting to get you just compensation for your injury. Call (916) 357-6767 today for a free consultation regarding your personal injury case.

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