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Children and traffic accidents

Car Accidents

Whether you have concerns about your child becoming involved in a traffic collision or you already face challenges as a result of an accident that left your child hurt, it is essential to take a close look at various issues related to children and motor vehicle crashes. When it comes to traffic accidents, children are especially vulnerable, and the impact of a crash can have a particularly disruptive impact on their life.

Aside from reviewing data on how widespread traffic accident injuries and deaths involving young children are, you should also review risk factors that cause many kids to become involved in accidents on the road.

Statistics on motor vehicle accidents involving young children

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration covers traffic accidents involving children 14 and under. According to their estimates, 183,000 kids in this age group suffered injuries in traffic accidents in 2019, and more than 1,000 lost their lives. Among the children who died in traffic accidents during 2019, 19% lost their lives in crashes involving drivers impaired due to alcohol.

Looking at these figures in another way, more than 500 children 14 and under suffered injuries, and three lost their lives each day in 2019, on average.

Traffic accident risk factors involving kids

Aside from drunk drivers, many other risks cause kids to become involved in devastating collisions. Some children find themselves struck by reckless drivers while walking or riding a bike, and most fatal accidents involving child pedestrians and bicyclists took place between 6 PM and 8:59 PM in 2019. If your family is struggling with the aftermath of a serious accident due to a reckless driver, gather as much evidence as possible and hold them answerable.

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