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Premises Liability Insurance

Premises Liability

We all know that we need to have certain types of insurance, and our agents tell us that we should have other types, but how do we know what insurance we really need? Lucky for you, we understand your situation and have taken the time to provide you information on important lines of insurance that everyone should carry.

Premises liability insurance is generally included in a homeowners insurance policy, or a commercial General Liability policy package, and covers owners for liabilities related to their ownership of real property. It is important to note that premises liability falls under a general liability policy, and policyholders will only be covered for damages related to bodily injury and property damage (“BI / PD”) and personal injury (PI). Contact a personal injury lawyer for any specific questions you have.

Common Premises Liability Claims

  • Dog Bites and Other Animal Related Injuries – Pet owners are liable for the injuries that their animals cause to others regardless of where that injury takes place, but if that incident takes place at your home, your premises liability coverage on your homeowner’s policy is designed to provide coverage. As long as your policy does not contain a dog bite exclusion, you will be able to make a valid insurance claim – it should be noted, however, that some policies will have a special exclusion that excludes certain breeds, such as a Pit Bull, Rottweiler, or German Shepherd. It is always important to pay attention to the exclusions on your policy.
  • Slip and Fall Injuries – There are different codes and regulations set for the maintenance and construction of buildings and property, and these rules are made to protect the people who need to use that property. When a property has fallen into disrepair or a known danger is ignored and not corrected, the property owner will be held liable if someone is hurt as a result. Your general liability insurance policy should cover this – these are the most common premises liability claims
  • Discrimination Damages – In the same way there are codes and regulations to ensure the safety of a property, there are rules in place to make sure that buildings and businesses catering to the general public are inclusive to all patrons. This means that individuals with disabilities must have adequate accommodations allowing them to use the facility. This is why businesses and government buildings all have wheelchair ramps and disabled bathrooms and parking made available. Individuals who ignore the codes and regulations open themselves up to possible Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) lawsuits. A general liability policy (which will include premises liability) could provide coverage in this scenario, as long as the damages being sued for are BI/PD or PI, which is not always the case. If the plaintiff is an employee, your general liability policy will not cover those damages.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property as a result of poor maintenance, design, or general irresponsibility, please call a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation today! We are experts in the field and are here to help you through this challenging time.

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