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Safety Tips to Follow This Halloween

Pedestrian Accidents

Halloween is enjoyed by many Sacramento residents, both young and old. This is especially true when the spooky holiday falls on a Saturday like it does this year. But before you put on your costume and head out the door to celebrate, the California Highway Patrol has some safety tips to remind you of:

Use added caution when driving. There will be many trick-or-treaters out-and-about, especially between the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Follow the posted speed limits and consider going even slower to watch for kids darting out into the roadway.

Put away all distractions. Whether you are driving or walking, it’s important to put away all electronic devices and focus on getting to where you are going safely. You will have time for a “selfie” in your Halloween costume once you arrive at your destination.

Use caution when trick-or-treating. Unfortunately, there will be many drunk drivers on the roadways Halloween night, so it’s more important than ever to be a cautious pedestrian. That means making eye-contact with drivers before crossing the street and only crossing at designated crosswalks and intersections.

Children should wear costumes that are safe. Instead of a mask that makes it difficult to see, encourage your child to opt for face paint instead. Costumes should also not be dragging on the ground or pose tripping hazards. Reflective tape and flashlights can make trick-or-treaters more visible to motorists.

Adults should chaperone children under 12. Although it may seem safe to send younger kids out in their own neighborhoods, safety officials say children 11 and younger should be accompanied by a responsible adult. In other words, not your 18-year-old nephew who may get into mischief himself.

With all of that said, have a fun and safe Halloween. Remember, if an accident should occur, the first call you make should be to 911. The second call you make should be to an experienced personal injury lawyer who can protect your legal rights and interests.

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