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Center of Gravity in Vehicles

Defective Products

Some vehicles, especially larger vehicles such as SUVs, pickup trucks, and semis, have higher centers of gravity. This leads to an increased likelihood for rollover incidents. Because rollover incidents may not necessarily involve a collision, it is possible that airbags will not deploy. This means individuals in the car may incur injury from being thrown against the inside of the car. If an individual is not wearing his or her seatbelt, the likelihood of injury increases, especially if ejected from the vehicle. Additionally, windows may break and the roof may collapse, increasing the severity of an injury.

Ejection from the vehicle causes most injuries and fatalities in rollover incidents. Most people who are killed are not wearing seat belts. If you or someone you know has been injured from a rollover accident, speak with accident attorneys in Sacramento to get legal advice.

In many instances, the initial cause of a rollover incident is driver negligence or poor road conditions. Individuals that incur injury or damage to property due to the occurrence of another driver’s rollover is likely to have a strong case for compensation or coverage of medical costs.

Other possible causes for a rollover include:

  1. A high-speed collision with another vehicle
  2. Taking a sharp turn too quickly
  3. A tire blow out at high speeds
  4. Running into a curb or another object in the road at high speeds
  5. Over-correction when a car is drifting out of its lane

Additional Considerations

Rollover incidents can be catastrophic with complex causes and multifaceted consequences. An attorney will complete a thorough investigation and might consider the following elements of the incident:

  • Speed or recklessness of the driver during the incident
    • If the driver was driving under the influence, engaging in distractions while driving, or driving at excessive speeds, this information could help your case.
  • Driver’s history of speeding or reckless driving
    • Establishing a history of recklessness could bolster your case.
  • Poor road maintenance
    • Encountering a pothole or black ice during high speeds may result in a rollover incident. Whoever is responsible for road maintenance, such as the government, could be held liable in these cases.
  • Poor road design
    • Excessively sharp turns in the road and poor warning signs may be determined to have caused a rollover incident. If this is the case, the government may be held liable.
  • Inadequate or erroneous vehicle maintenance
    • If a mechanic does improperly or insufficiently service a vehicle, that individual or the company he or she represents could be held liable for injuries and damages.
  • Illegal vehicle alterations
    • Some individuals alter their vehicle so as to have a higher center of gravity, such as by “lifting” the car frame or suspension. California has some of the strictest lift regulations in the country – setting the maximum lift height at 5 inches. If a vehicle involved in a rollover collision has an illegal lift height, this information could bolster your case.

There are many reasons vehicles with higher centers of gravity could end up causing a car accident. Speak with accident attorneys in Sacramento if you were involved in a car accident with an SUV or another large vehicle.

Related Car Defects

Should a vehicle have the misfortune of a rollover incident due to its higher center of gravity, defects in manufacturing and design could compound the damage and injury to those involved. If there is a defect in the design or manufacturing of the vehicle, the car company could be held liable for damages and injuries. Relevant car defects include:

  • Roof
    • Manufacturers should build cars with sound roofing, especially when the vehicle has a higher risk of rollover. Should the roof collapse during a rollover incident, individuals inside the car are likely to incur much more severe injury or even death.
  • Door Latches
    • A vehicle with defective door latches may result in the opening of doors during rollover, resulting in higher incidents of damage and injury, especially if seatbelts are faulty or not being worn.
  • Seat belts
    • If the buckle or emergency locking retractor of a vehicle’s seat belts malfunction, individuals within the car are much more likely to incur serious injury including ejection from the vehicle.
  • Safety Glass
    • California law requires all vehicles to have windshields with shatterproof safety glass. Should a vehicle be manufactured without such safety glass, an individual could be ejected through the front window of the vehicle.
  • Tires
    • Poorly designed or manufactured tires with inadequate tread increase the likelihood of a blown tire, which may result in a rollover incident. Ford Explorers had a high incidence of tire malfunction and subsequently caused thousands of catastrophic injuries. A large recall for the tires was issued.

Call Our Accident Attorneys in Sacramento to Discuss Your Vehicle Accident

Have you been involved in a car collision with an incidence of a rollover? It’s important you contact our experienced and knowledgeable accident attorneys in Sacramento to get the compensation you deserve. Call us at (916) 357 – 6767 for a free consultation.

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